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Arm Pipe Laboratory

Arm Pipe Laboratory

Arm Pipe laboratory was established in 2006. The purpose of creating this laboratory was to conduct tests related to five-layer integrated pipes of the PER.T-AL-P.E.R.T type, such as the following:

Minimum ring strength, minimum burst pressure, long-term compressive strength, thermal stability, measurement of pipe dimensions, melting index of raw materials, examination of the appearance of aluminum layer welding, appearance characteristics, strength of pipe welding line, separation of layers and others quality control tests.

These tests can be performed using very advanced and modern equipment and devices, and they are carried out in Iran according to international methods such as SO ISIRI and ASTM.

The specialized tests of Arm Pipe laboratory.

In order to see the details of operational tests of Arm Pipe Company, you can check the following options. Click on the desired test to view each option.

Melt Flow Index

Melt Flow Index

Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Degree of Gelation test

Degree of Gelation test

Layer Separation Test for M-type Multilayer Pipes

Layer Separation Test for M-type Multilayer Pipes

Weld inspection of Pipes with Overlapping Welding by Microscope

Weld inspection of Pipes with Overlapping Welding by Microscope

Ring or Tensile Test

Ring or Tensile Test

Customer satisfaction is the priority of Arm Pipe Laboratory.

Aiming to increase the level of satisfaction of its customers by providing quality laboratory services, Arm Pipe Laboratory puts the following items at the top of its performance:

  • Employing capable and competent people in the laboratory to ensure the correct and accurate performance of activities related to the test.
  • Improving the skill level and efficiency of employees through planned and continuous training.
  • Meeting the requirements of test methods.

All the records that are prepared in the laboratory are archived in a specific and appropriate manner. The records help the activities performed in the laboratory to be traceable and make repeatability possible if needed.