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News and Announcements
March 6, 2024

Arm Pipe’s Prices Have Been Determined

According to the public relations of Arm Pipe Company, the price list of this company’s products was announced by the financial department.

The company’s products include five-layer pipes and fittings, including:

  • Five-layer PERT pipe
  • Five-layer PEX pipe
  • Equal bushings, conversion, screw-on and screw-on screws and couplers
  • Conversion tees, equal and 90 degrees, Percy and Copley wall tees
  • 90-degree elbows, screw-on, flush, wall-mounted and Percy and Copley plates

and installation tools and equipment including:

  • Collector’s milk
  • air valve
  • Installation page
  • Cacti box
  • Percy connection steel ring
  • foam
  • Press Device

They are available in different sizes.

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